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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec orci ut arcu auctor posuere. Etiam rutrum, lacus feugiat interdum consectetur, nunc ex consectetur erat, ac fringilla nibh nisl eget velit. Pellentesque pellentesque nibh vitae blandit lobortis. Donec vitae venenatis tortor. Fusce efficitur neque sed lacus tristique dapibus. Mauris porta aliquet elit, eu malesuada eros euismod eget. Aenean eu nibh eu turpis commodo porttitor. Donec eget quam a nibh semper dapibus id eget dui. Nunc auctor ante at ante tempus, et rutrum leo laoreet. Duis nec leo auctor, euismod velit lobortis, convallis libero. Donec fermentum nibh id augue efficitur, non commodo orci tincidunt. Nam vel nibh vel ligula lobortis condimentum. Sed vitae est ac neque fringilla iaculis. Praesent volutpat nibh at ipsum facilisis, sed aliquet nisi mollis. Nunc quis laoreet velit. Vivamus eu aliquet leo.

Black Experiences Post Holder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nec orci ut arcu auctor posuere. Etiam rutrum, lacus feugiat interdum consectetur, nunc ex consectetur erat, ac fringilla nibh nisl eget velit. Pellentesque pellentesque nibh vitae blandit lobortis. Donec vitae venenatis tortor. Fusce efficitur neque sed lacus tristique dapibus. Mauris porta aliquet elit, eu malesuada eros…

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Karyn Lacy: “Jeopardy or Just Fine?: Black Middle-Class Occupational Attainment in the Post-Civil Rights Era” – September 27, 2017

Will today’s black middle class reproduce itself? Through analysis of major trends in the composition of occupations by race, class, and gender over the past 40 years, this paper assesses the growth of the black middle class in two ways: 1.) over time and 2.) in comparison to progress made by other racial and ethnic…

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Sami Schalk: “Blackness and Disability: From Slavery to a Not-so-Distant Future” – September 10, 2013

To date, the fields of disability studies, Black Diaspora studies, and critical race studies have engaged little in intellectual exchange. While disability studies scholars have noted the lack of discussions of race within the field and have begun to engage more with blackness, Black Diaspora and critical race scholars have shown little interest in disability…

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Lani Guinier: “The Tyranny of the Meritocracy” – November 4, 2015

In “The Tyranny of the Meritocracy,” Harvard Law School professor and pioneering civil rights advocate Lani Guinier critiques university merit systems that privilege the elite and offers a blueprint for nurturing student potential that promises to better serve the challenges of a twenty-first century world. Drawing on current case studies, as well as her many years observing the experiences…

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Joy James: “Democracy and Captivity” – March 23, 2005

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, forging a new language, the modern anti-slavery movement became one of the first awakenings of the public moral conscience in the Western world. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, anti-prison movements offer the same possibilities to confront the quest to be fully human by dismantling the machinery of incarceration…

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Diane Nash: “The Movements of the ’60s: A Legacy for Today” – September 30, 2014

Diane Nash led some of the civil rights movement’s most influential and successful campaigns, including the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins and the Freedom Riders. She co-founded the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and served on a national committee that helped bring about passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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