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Katherine Faull: “Race, Religion, and Iron: A Case of Knowledge Transfer between West Africa and the Colonial Mid-Atlantic States? – February 6, 2018

While recent scholarship has focused on knowledge transfer from African cultures to the Americas concerning inter alia rice production (see Sept 2016’s visiting PBK scholar, Judith Carney, Black Rice) there has to date been little work that traces the links between the production of iron in West Africa and the small Colonial iron forges of…

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Sue Ellen Henry & Abe Feuerstein: “The Hidden Language of Social Class: How Teachers Read Students’ Bodies ” – October 17, 2017

Social class is an embedded feature of social life; rather than being isolated and self-contained, social class positions are highly interdependent on one another. For first generation college students at Bucknell, most of whom are from working class backgrounds, university life is an exercise in enormous social class diversity, often for the first time. How…

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Coralynn Davis: “Women’s Traditional Storytelling and Contemporary Painting in Mithila: Intergenerational and Cross-genre Conversations” – September 12, 2017

Professor Davis examines the interfaces among women’s evolving expressive arts, young women’s empowerment, and cultural preservation in Mithila, a cultural and linguistic region on the border between Nepal’s eastern terai and the adjacent region of the state of Bihar in India. She reflects on her current collaborative research project, which involves co-production of a participatory documentary film as…

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Scott St. Pierre: “Cuck: Meninists, Aardvarks, and Other Peculiarities in 21st Century Anti-Feminist Discourse” – March 23, 2017

This talk analyzes 21st century representations of anti-feminist discourse.   I argue that such discourse among men in our current moment takes an even more radicalized and potentially toxic form under the sign of anti-African American racism and anti-queer expression.  I examine representations of anti-feminist speech and text as a way of locating a juncture between…

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