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Lakeisha D. Meyer: “Culturally Competent Practices for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges” – November 3, 2010

For youth with emotional and behavioral challenges, there is a trend of racial minority overrepresentation in restrictive settings. In particular, African American youth are more likely to be placed outside of school in settings such as in juvenile justice facilities and day treatment centers. “System of care” refers to a community-based approach to meeting the needs of youth with emotional and behavioral challenges that emphasizes cultural competence while providing services in the least restrictive environment. In this talk, I will look at a study which investigated the relationship between placement restrictiveness (i.e., home, foster home, juvenile justice, etc.), emotional-behavioral functioning, […]

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Elizabeth Durden: “Voces de Tabi: Yucatecan Mayan Immigrants, Hometown Associations and Transnational Activism” – April 29, 2010

This research will focus on how an immigrant hometown association can be used as a means to explore transnationalism, civil society and ethnic identities. Indigenous Mexican migrants from Tabi now working in the US have created a hometown association to address the social and economic marginalization of their home community. The hometown association of Tabi has constructed a health clinic, low-income housing, and a sports arena for community members. Through qualitative fieldwork and the implementation of a survey, this research will increase understanding of the impact of ethnicity on the social organization and civic participation of the transnational practices of […]

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