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Patricia de Santana Pinho: “African American Roots Tourism in Brazil: Encounters in Sameness, Difference, and Inequality” – April 5, 2012

International tourism has often been criticized for promoting unequal encounters between privileged inhabitants of the World’s centers and their disadvantaged peripheral “Others.” However, recently, new forms of travel have emerged where tourists have sought to employ their privilege, knowledge, resources, and even the status of their nationality for the benefit of the “tourees.” Aware of their power as US citizens and affluent consumers, African American “roots tourists” in Brazil have actively employed their national identity as well as their purchasing power to benefit Afro-Brazilians. The lobbying made by African Americans on behalf of Afro- Brazilians is certainly well intended, and […]

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Ron Buckmire – “A Black, Gay National Science Foundation Program Officer? Or, How I Got Here From There” – October 4, 2012

A program officer in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Undergraduate Education will provide the details of his career trajectory. This involves being born in a small Caribbean island nation, going to school in a predominantly white and male engineering institution in upstate New York, being a faculty member at a small liberal arts college in California and working for the federal government. His entire career path was traversed while navigating the world as an openly gay, Black man who is also very interested and actively involved in multiple efforts that combine equity and excellence in various arenas, such as […]

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