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Wilton Martinez: “Transnational Fiesta: Twenty Years Later” – March 2, 2017

Transnational Fiesta: Twenty Years Later explores cultural change and continuity in the indigenous Andean community, fiesta, and migrant colony first documented in the award-winning Transnational Fiesta: 1992. The film follows a migrant family as they travel to celebrate the patron saint fiesta they first sponsored two decades earlier in their hometown, Cabanaconde, Peru, and also participate in the diaspora fiesta in Maryland. The sequel shows the remarkable persistence of Andean culture over time and space as well as the ruptures imposed by global capitalism, generational differences, and other forces of change. For more information see:

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Wilton Martinez Colloquium: “No final solutions: current trends in ethnographic film” – March 2, 2017

In the “age of the image,” when convergence culture and the imperium of visualism have voided social life, bodies, and experiences from reference to the real, when designer images perform their own presence above and apart from the phenomenal world, what is the place for visual anthropology and ethnographic film, disciplines born together with film technology and guided by the goal of studying and using images to explore human nature? In this presentation I trace the tropological development of ethnographic film and discuss current trends that purport to solve the conundrum by either embracing designer images or searching for the […]

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Jocelyne Scott: “Grappling with Anti-Femininity in Popular Culture Stereotypes of Sorority Women” – October 13, 2016

Archetypal representations of sorority women are abundant in popular culture. Visible in films and television shows, these representations also inundate social media networks and sites.  Despite the wide range of different platforms in which these archetypal representations appear, the representations themselves remain strikingly consistent across time and space and are deeply rooted in anti-femininity and sexist rhetorics.  This talk interrogates these pejorative popular culture portrayals while focusing on the lived effects of these demeaning characterizations articulated by sorority women.

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Scott St. Pierre: “Cuck: Meninists, Aardvarks, and Other Peculiarities in 21st Century Anti-Feminist Discourse” – March 23, 2017

This talk analyzes 21st century representations of anti-feminist discourse.   I argue that such discourse among men in our current moment takes an even more radicalized and potentially toxic form under the sign of anti-African American racism and anti-queer expression.  I examine representations of anti-feminist speech and text as a way of locating a juncture between the recent explosion of online anti-feminist speech and its connections to alt-right racist hate speech as metaphorized and embodied in the anti-queer and anti-black figure of the “cuck.”  In doing so, I explore symptoms of toxic, wounded white masculinity that strike out at feminism via […]

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Mai-Linh Hong: “Resettling America: Refugee Law and Refugee Narratives.” – March 8, 2017

Popular narratives about refugees usually feature a racial or national Other granted a “new beginning” by humanitarian-minded Americans. Such sentimental stories divert attention from global conditions of insecurity and inequality that produce refugee crises, including overseas U.S. military action. Contemporary Vietnamese American literature reminds us of America’s role in creating refugees, and offers lessons about refugee law and policy for the Trump era.

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