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Nikki Young: “I am not that Hungry: Creative Resistance, Black Queers, and Family” – February 14, 2013

Capitalism creates and maintains capitalist family values which operate through dominion and inherent inequality within relationships. This value system works to deprive black queers of a recognizable moral subjectivity. Through a process Professor Young calls “creative resistance,” many black queers disrupt the disciplinary power within the capitalist family. This presentation, will describe how black queers practice creative resistance, revision of family dynamics, and imagine relational possibilities.    

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Vincent Stephens: “Rocking the Closet: Queer Musicians and Limits of the Closet” – April 3, 2013

Was the 1950s as oppressive for gay musicians as we think? Stephens argues that though Americans tend to perceive gay cultural history as a march forward toward acceptance, it is better understood as a tug-of-war. In this talk he discusses the struggles of gay male musicians from the post-WWII era to the present, examining the constant interplay of disclosure & reticence gay men experience in the U.S.  

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Alejandra Roncallo: “Obama and Latin America” – September 27, 2012

9 economic crisis, presidential candidate Barack Obama was perceived as a sort of Messiah who could bring the “change” that the wide array of global justice movements were demanding from the Bush administration. However, after a year in power, this optimism waned. In the wake of a new electoral campaign, this paper seeks to analyze US-Latin American relations during Obama’s first term. It is contended that the Obama administration represents the continuity of the system, “more of the same” rather than “change”, a fourth moment of the New Pax Americana.  

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Atiya Stokes Brown: “The Bridge over the Divide? The Politics of Afro Latinos and the Prospects for Inter-Minority Coalitions” – March 1, 2012

Historic and dramatic changes in the racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. have created two distinct approaches to the study of Latino politics. While the first focuses on intra-ethnic questions of Latino political incorporation, the second focuses on inter-minority relationships – particularly relations between Latinos and African Americans.  The research to be presented examines the politics of Afro Latinos, with the intent of discovering whether Afro Latinos represent a bridge of sorts between the African American and the Latino communities (e.g. Logan 2003).  Reconceptualizing the study of Latino politics, this research brings Latino communities’ racial politics into clear, sharper […]

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Elizabeth Durden: “Voces de Tabi: Yucatecan Mayan Immigrants, Hometown Associations and Transnational Activism” – April 29, 2010

This research will focus on how an immigrant hometown association can be used as a means to explore transnationalism, civil society and ethnic identities. Indigenous Mexican migrants from Tabi now working in the US have created a hometown association to address the social and economic marginalization of their home community. The hometown association of Tabi has constructed a health clinic, low-income housing, and a sports arena for community members. Through qualitative fieldwork and the implementation of a survey, this research will increase understanding of the impact of ethnicity on the social organization and civic participation of the transnational practices of […]

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